Therapy for Emotional Intimacy

 If you struggle to let people get close to you or truly know you on a deeper lever, feel uncomfortable being seen, or shy away from vulnerable situations, you may have a tough time being emotionally intimate. If this feels resonant, you’re not alone. True intimacy is a universally vulnerable state, as it can open us up to critique, rejection, or heartbreak. It can come from a place of trauma, a history of mental health issues, feeling the need to hide our own emotional states from others, or feeling emotionally looked over in childhood.

However, if it’s an area you’re hoping to work on with one of our NYC therapists, heightening your capacity for emotional intimacy will also lead to deeper and more fulfilling relationships, a willingness to enter into vulnerable conversations, and ultimately, a more intimate connection with yourself.

If you’ve asked yourself the following questions, you might benefit from beginning therapy for emotional intimacy issues:

  • Why don’t I feel close to my partner?

  • Why is it so hard to let people in?

  • How do I stop keeping people at an arm’s length?

  • How do I have difficult conversations with my children or family?

  • Why have I never been in love?

  • Why do I struggle to have close friendships?

  • How would it feel to talk with others about the ‘deeper stuff’?

  • How do I gain confidence in dealing with conflict?